CA: Over 300 Undercover L.A. Police Sue City over Leak to Watchdog

Source: 4/5/23

Over 300 undercover Los Angeles Police Department officers are suing the city for leaking their photographs to a watchdog group.

As the Los Angeles Times noted last month, Mayor Karen Bass expressed outrage when it was discovered that the city had accidentally leaked the images of hundreds of officers, jeopardizing their investigations — and their lives.

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Breaking news: thousands of registrants were seen lining up in front of police stations while playing violins and shedding crocodile tears for the poor police who expose registrants to danger every day by notifying their neighbors and by electing “laws and order” legislators. 😉

Someone could create an online, publicly accessible registry website of undercover police officers! Instead of listing their offenses, it could list their specialties: gang related; drug trafficking; vice & prostitution; money laundering, etc.
Wouldn’t that be fun?! 😏🤷🏻‍♂️

Like the commenters on the twitter feed said, it’s all public records. There’s no scandal here. But it’s no surprise that a right wing conservative media outlet like Breitbart wants to continue pushing “the left hates the police and wants to defund it” narrative

What are these cops worried about if they’re not doing anything wrong?

” …the city had accidentally leaked…”
Not! an accident at all. A public records request opened the door.
Natural Law in effect.

Awwww….poor cops…

For those not in the know. About 10 yrs. Ago a registered person built a webpage about SOR which included a few photos of Agents and disparaging comments. Naturally the union representatives for the Agent sued the CA man demanding the webpage be removed. THEY LOST! I wrote and congratulated the guy and offered up the names of WISOR Agents for him to post, which he did.

My only feedback on this particular matter is their LAPD employment is a matter of public record given they are city employees and responsible to the citizens, but their particular assignment may not be for operational security reasons. I draw similarity to the military and those in fields where they are known to be military but specifically where and with which unit as well as any identifying images is not for operational security reasons. Given that, I do like @Roger H’s description though above and one LAPD should consider feeling when meting out lack of sympathy for PFRs.

Americans today are largely ignorant of the fact that, throughout history, the greatest threats to the liberty and lives of people around the world have come from one source, their own governments. Our government was founded on this premise, with the intent to suppress the consolidation of political, military, and policing power.

Instead of working for the people, our government now has been working tirelessly to unravel these protections and to enable an environment that enables abuses to flourish. Florida today is ground zero for where these ideologies are beginning to manifest and take hold.

How does it feel to be in the light , and in danger because no one cares ?